You are here:--Why does my snapchat say time sensitive?
Why does my snapchat say time sensitive? 2023-12-12T11:02:55+00:00

Forums Forums Help & Support Why does my snapchat say time sensitive?

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  • David
    Post count: 0

    Time-sensitive is a new feature in Snapchat. This feature notifies you for urgent messages or any crucial updates. So if you are getting this notification and wondering “Why does my snapchat say time sensitive”, it could have some reasons like:

    1. The message itself might contain keywords like “urgent” or “time-sensitive” triggering the Time Sensitive notification.
    2. The sender might have marked the message as Time Sensitive for you to see it immediately.
    3. If you have an event happening soon, like a concert or meeting, Snapchat might send Time Sensitive notifications as reminders.

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